Drop Bars are used to activate various downhole Tubing Conveyed
Perforating and other completion tools, through the impact
generated after they are released into the tubing from surface.
The bottom (impact) bar ends are designed specifically to
fire the
Mechanical Firing Head,
while the top ends are configured to industry standard fishing
neck dimensions.
The bars come in three basic versions:
Standard Bar - for activating Mechanical
Firing Head and other downhole tools. Impact end is integral
with bar.
Brass Button Bar - Same purpose as Standard
Bar. Impact end has screw on brass button tip which acts
as impact impression surface and may extend life of bar.
Roller Bar - For use in deviated wells.
Roller bar sections screw together - fishing neck top and
impact end bottom sections also screw on to sections.
Note: Standard or Brass Button Bars may
be used in wells with up to 40 degrees deviation. Roller
bars should be used in high deviation wells.